CEOs Journal: People Management Skills Every CEO Needs

New entry in the CEOs Journal

A key part of a CEO’s job is managing people — and there are five key skills-sets to do it effectively.

A big part of being a successful CEO is leveraging your experience and technical skills to get the job done. But those two factors are really only half of the story. Your success as a CEO will primarily depend on “soft skills” that are easy to take for granted. What are these talents that mean more than experience and technical prowess combined?

People Management Skills, a skill taken lightly by some entrepreneurs but very important, it is about building relationships with your employees, your direct reports. The five people management skills in this article will help any manager grow their relationship with their team and better serve their employees.


Patience is one of those skills that everyone thinks they have until work gets real tough. Some are indeed born with more patience than others, but that doesn’t mean you can’t develop your ability to keep a level head in a stressful situation.
When you feel like others are losing their cool or getting on your last nerves — it is your responsibility to always be calm and cool.

Good Communication

Not just only communication but Good communication encompasses a wide range of skills, including:

  • Your ability to get along with others
  • Your ability to persuade others
  • Your ability to get others to listen to your ideas
  • The clarity of what you say
  • Listening to others

The last point might seem out of place but it’s not, communication goes two ways, knowledge of this helps in managing people. Take the time to listen to what your employees have to say without interrupting. Then think about what you want to say before responding.


You may be unfamiliar with the word macro-management, but we’re certain you’re familiar with its antonym: micromanagement. Micromanagement is a manager’s tendency to closely observe and control the work of their employees.

Macro management, on the other hand, is a more independent style of organization. Managers step back and give employees the freedom to do their jobs how they see fit. As long as employees reach the desired result, the manager doesn’t have to “hold their hands” or hover over their shoulders looking for mistakes.

This is good for your employees because it gives them the freedom to solve problems, perfect their skills, and become the best team member they can be.

Of course, just like micromanagement, you can take macro management to the extreme if you adopt a laissez-faire attitude in which you always let things take their own course, without ever monitoring situations.

A good manager develops a balanced view and practice of micro-and macro-management and understands when to apply both.


Positivity in the workplace is crucial if you want your business to succeed. Positivity reflects in everything your team does — from customer-facing activities down to taking out the garbage. And when it’s lacking, everyone will feel it.

If you want to encourage positivity in your employees, you need to first exhibit positivity yourself. For example, if you’re facing a difficult project or a deadline is rapidly approaching, don’t focus on the negative and complain.

Instead, get excited about the prospect of finding a new and unique solution or working hard to complete everything before the deadline. Shift your perspective and don’t view these challenges as stumbling blocks or obstacles. Instead, see them as opportunities to excel.


As a CEO, you are the leader of your team. That means that, at some point, one of your employees is going to come to you with problems and questions. You’re going to need to give guidance and direction.

But how will you receive them? Will you be brusque and dismissive? Or will you be welcoming and approachable?
Being open and approachable — even when you’re already busy — is the quality that builds goodwill, positivity, and loyalty in your team. Regardless of what you’re doing, try to give your full attention to anyone who comes to you with a question or problem. If you have a hard time doing this, put yourself in their shoes.

That ends this week’s entry in the CEOs Journal, stay tuned for more educative and informative entries and follow us on our social media pages for more updates.




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